Thursday, November 5, 2009

Slipped away to the aquarium

Slipping away for an afternoon of fish gazing was just what the girls needed, so we captured Daddy from work. We went down to Monterrey to enjoy a beautiful fall afternoon. We saw several fish that we hadn't noticed before one was this
another was this that is related to an octopus
We were sad that the sun fish was not there. Also the Great White Shark was missing. So later the next day I went on the aquariums website and they said they had just released it the day before! Crazy... We did have a great time and a wonderful dinner at a restaurant we tried. Lola thought the room looked like a Ball room from Cinderella. Lola and Daddy also went for a night time stroll on the beach. The Doll thinks she might have found a shark tooth:)

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