Friday, June 12, 2009

Hiking with Bubba Adam

With a rainy day ahead we weren't sure how much hiking we would get done. It rained all the way to the gorge ( a rock climbing place). Then stopped once we parked at the top... So we hiked down and back to chimney rock. Then Lola wanted to keep going so we went down one called the princess arch trail. There's the picture of the two of them under it. Hiking around for two miles with a two year old was wonderful. She was so into picking leaves and smelling the flowers and checking out the crazy mushrooms. So speaking of mushrooms, once we headed back to the jeep, it started raining again. It was nice that God gave us a short window of rainbreak to hike around. What a beautiful place. Afterwards we went to miguels pizza for a very strangely topped pizza.

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