Friday, June 13, 2008

Hot day at Six Flags

It was a scorching 97 at the six flags. We went with our friend from gym class. Lola was so excited she was listing all of the things she wanted to do when we made it there. She wanted to see Shouka (of course) swimming in the ocean, feed the seals fish and ride the zebra jeep and see tigers.. She listed all these things and a  couple more out of her own memory of the place. I was truly impressed. We did do those things and ride on the frog ride which she LOVES! It hops around in a circle. Later we were walking over to feed the seals and Lola ran into Shouka just walking around. She scrambled to get out of her buggie then she walked right over to him and smiled. She didn't want to hug him but she did shake his hand.

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