Friday, February 1, 2008

Things that are different

There are so many things that are different. But here are some that make us smile a little. One is that in order to get to target we have to get on the interstate. Another is that it only takes one hour to clean the entire house. Another is the frogs. We hear them croaking at night after it's been raining. It's so soothing. We have a washer and dryer that is half the size of the one we used to have and so we are doing laundry everyday at least one load. Pretty much half of the places you go you have to pay a meter to park. So we ended up going to the bank to get a couple rolls of quarters to keep in the car. There are hummingbirds everywhere! It's so fun to look out the window and see them zipping around. And squirrels. Lola learned to say squirrel and nuts. They're running around gathering nuts and digging in the dirt. She really loves to watch them and hear them bark at her.

1 comment:

Lefty said...

thats a crazy picture yo, the angled camera + black and white checker'd floor + Lil' Lola holding some oversized cleaning supplies looks like that disney cartoon where the girls goes to that palce with teh rabbit runing with the stop watch